Outcomes That Matter (OTM)

There has been an important development of Core Outcome Sets, with organizations such as the COMET-initiative for clinical trials as well as the work within ICHOM.

With a focus on how to understand the performance of  healthcare, these types of outcomes may not be possible to utilize in the governance, in particular for chronic diseases that has many stakeholders.

Our approach:

  • What are the most relevant OTM for the patient and family caregivers (when applicable) and how can these be captured directly or through proxies in routine care. The primary focus is health outcomes but when it’s not possible, proxies provide a good representation of a health outcome.
  • From a governance/payer perspective, what is the ‘waste’ in the healthcare system due to inefficiencies.
  • How can these OTM be translated to the result of the different stakeholders involved in the different aspects of the disease.

The overall aim is to help develop a minimal essential set of OTM’s that can be used in daily governance of the healthcare performance with the ability to guide the initiation of improvement of programs, with or without digital solutions.